Friday, January 7, 2011

10 Fun New Year Resolutions for 2011

We help you make alternate resolutions that you will find easier to follow.
1. I will take my pet for a walk everyday
It’s fun and the most simple resolution you can make. Just vow to walk your pet mutt everyday and burn 210 calories per hour. It’s a wonderful way to have some fun and burn fat.
For those who do not have a pet, try getting your neighbour or your friend’s dog to go for a walk. Or simply coax your mom, friend, boyfriend or spouse to join you.
2. I will carry a healthy home-cooked meal at least 4 times a week
A healthy home-cooked meal is always healthy. Period. However, try to make it healthier by carrying rotis instead of rice, making your sandwich in whole-grain bread and so on. You can also pack some salad to satisfy your between-meal cravings.
3. I will go for an outing once a week
It could be with your family, your friends, your boyfriend, your kid or your spouse. Make sure you spend time with them at least once a week. It can be as simple as taking your parents out for dinner or taking your kid to the park. Make sure you do it atleast once a week. Not only will it make you and them smile for the rest of the week, but de-stress you immensely too.
4. I will opt for public transport as much as I can
Ok… agreed nobody wants to get to work sweaty, gasping and panting, thanks to the train/bus you need to take to work. But, it doesn’t have to be that way if you play your cards right. Just leave early to beat the crowd in trains/buses and imagine the money you will save up! Plus you won’t be the one trudging through the traffic stuck in your car nor will you be bothered by the jerk who overtook you.
What’s more, you will be making the earth a greener place. Enough reasons, already!
5. I will stock up on condoms!
In other words, you will always have safe sex. Condoms, according to gynaecologists, are the best form of protection. They not only prevent pregnancies but protect you from sexually transmitted diseases too.
Do not let a night of fun with your partner go wrong in anyway. Just protect yourself!
6. I will learn a new joke (preferably toilet humour kinds) and tell them to my colleagues everyday
Good humour lightens the mood in any place. Learn one new joke every day. And make sure you bring it up at work. It will not just lighten the mood at your workplace, but will make you popular too. This is a good idea to make friends at work if you are new.
7. I will learn a new sport and watch and play it too
Learn any new sport you have never tried before. It does not matter if you were nick named ‘butter-fingers’ or the ‘clumsy’ in school. It should not stop you from trying. A good sport like squash or basketball gives you a full body workout.
Moreover, you will have something new to look forward to every time you play it. The fun’s going to be double if you learn from a friend or your partner joins you for a class!
8. I will learn the art of zen meditation
Make it a point this year to learn meditation – any kind! Meditation will help you destress a great deal. It will also de-clutter your mind, give you clarity of thought thus helping you concentrate better.
Meditating before bed time will also lull you into a peaceful sleep. So why not give it a try?
9. I will watch a movie/read a book I have never read before
You have always listened to your artsy friends discuss about them and seen their names on posters of film festivals; but never thought of actually watching them. This year, make it a point to watch movies by a director you have not heard of or a foreign language film. It could be Ang Lee who directed Brokeback Mountain or could be Woody Allen who makes Freudian movies like Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
The same goes for books too! Try reading a fantasy fiction novel by Terry Pratchett or pick a Dostoevsky for a thought-provoking read. This will help open your mind and give you a different perspective towards life.
10. I will go wine tasting!
Different kinds of wines complemented with cheese and finger food – just the way to spend an evening right? This year, try and make it to at least one wine tasting event/wine festival. If not wine, try a beer fest. We are sure you will love it. It’s a good way to know about the different kinds of the liquor and the story behind it. Yes, each one has a unique tale to tell. You will surely come home in high spirits! (Wink, wink!)
Jot down all of these and try to follow at least three of them. We guarantee you a rocking year ahead!
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