Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bronzer for Beginners

As thoughts of “back to school” enter our minds, we all want to hang on to summer a little bit longer
But, since we all know about how the sun-tanning beds can damage your skin (don’t forget your SPF even in Fall!!) and since I’m not a fan of using self-tanner on the face (I feel it always looks the wrong tone or blotchy and settles in to fine lines on the face) here are my tips on using bronzer!
Look for a bronzer that has a bit more of a golden tone (not an orangey tone). Whether or not it has a small amount of iridescence in it or is matte is up to you… I personally like how iridescence gives the skin a healthy glow. However, a guy might want to choose a matte texture so there’s no “makeup” look to the skin. Choose a colour that isn’t too much darker than your skin (otherwise you’ll look like you are obviously wearing bronzer, or worse… like your face is dirty!). Usually bronzer comes in a range from light, medium or dark. The whole point of bronzer is to look sun kissed, not super-tanned (insert mental image of anyone from ‘Jersey Shore’ here!).
Use a medium to large fluffy brush. Start light and build if you feel you want to go a bit darker. It’s all about placement with bronzer! I like to start at the temples and work my way in. Dust the bronzer over your forehead, nose, and upper cheekbones (almost imagine a pair of goggles, but more blended), and then also, a bit on the chin. Basically, all the high points of the face where the sun would naturally give you a glow. DON’T put bronzer all over your whole face or your face will be a different shade than your neck!
Your bronzer shouldn’t take place of a powder. Powder is there to control shine, bronzer is to impart colour. Touching up throughout the day with a bronzer isn’t a good idea!
Remember: fluffy brush, start light, placement and blending! Now get out there and get your glow on!!
Before and After:undefinedundefined

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